Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Project 365 - Day 104

David and I really have our family life and schedule down to a well-run, finely tuned science. Things had really been humming along lately -- the kids are getting older and are therefore a little easier to manage, we'd been decluttering and getting the house back together for the first time in 3+ years, and I was really starting to feel somewhat together. The beds were getting made. We were on top of the laundry. I wasn't wasting time looking for my keys anymore. I was taking and uploading my pictures daily and blogging mostly every day. We cleaned out the garage, for heavens sake!!

And then David sprained his ankle, and the house of cards came tumbling down. Pictures were kind of the first thing to go. Made beds were the next. Thankfully, David is on the mend, and hopefully we'll be back to our normal schedule soon, but in the meantime, I realized that if I don't rely on my iPhone for pictures, the pictures are much less likely to happen. The photo above is Elizabeth after ballet class planting wildflowers in our garden, taken with the iPhone 4 instagram app.

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