Thursday, July 21, 2011

Who we're missing right now . . .

My sweetest little nephew Alex (and his awesome parents) just left us after a great visit, and we miss him so much already! He is seriously just the cutest singing, sweeping, plant-watering, doggy-cuddling, hide-and-seeking twenty-something pound package of joy.

My front porch has never looked so clean:

And my plants have never been so well-watered:

Here is Alex with the two little mommies . . .

Swinging with Jacob:


Reviewing hide-and-seek strategy with Grandpa:


We also introduced him to the lightsaber. Sorry Diane & Sal!

That face!!

I seriously need to will myself not to overdo it with the cheek squeezing/smooching, lest I become that crazy aunt he runs away from at family gatherings.

Speaking of family gatherings, Alex is going to be a big brother, so we had a little celebration for Diane, Sal and Alex while they were here:

The cousins:

We loved every minute with our sweet Alex and are already counting the days until our next visit!

1 comment:

Pamela said...

Handsome little fella! And your pictures are outstanding, Cathy! Whatever you are doing, keep it up. They look so profressional.