Thursday, August 14, 2008

It's all fun and games until someone takes a bottle of soy sauce on the toe

Caroline has a new favorite place to play -- our pantry.
At first I was pleased by this development, because I could easily keep my eye on her while I get dinner ready, and it seemed like she couldn't get into too much trouble there, as we mainly keep things like paper products, baskets, and such on the floor of the pantry. Well, then she decided to go vertical, and that's when the jars started flying off the shelves (note the pimientos by her right foot). Another good idea in theory that failed in practice. The pantry doors are now closed.


Amanda said...

She is so cute!! I have really enjoyed your blog. Can't wait to read about your grabbers!!

Anne said...

So funny. My son is one and a half and he went through the same thing- but we had to stop him after he dropped a can of pumpkin on his toe! :)