Monday, April 11, 2011

Project 365 - Day 98

Yesterday was the neighborhood Easter egg hunt - the ultimate spring photo op. I expected to get tons of pictures of the girls (Jacob was at a birthday party) running around picking up eggs, but it didn't quite work out that way because they would either hand me a huge, melting, half eaten sugar cookie and juice box and then run off (leaving me without a free hand to take a picture), or I had to soothe Caroline, who was, for the third year straight, freaking out at the sight of E. Bunny. Elizabeth, on the other hand, wanted to get her picture taken with the Easter Bunny, so I snapped this one with my zoom lens from quite a distance away while Caroline clung to my legs screaming "I wanna go home! I wanna go home!" Making memories - that's what it's all about. Of course, when the day was over and I was putting Caroline to bed, she told me that her favorite part of the day was the Easter egg hunt.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I'll take Caroline's side on this one. That bunny is kind of scary looking. I will NEVER forget the story about C getting upset when Santa called her classroom. Poor Caroline :)