Monday, March 7, 2011

Project 365 - Day 65

I like how this one kind of perfectly captures a typical weekend day for us this time of year. Elizabeth had a 2:00 Daisy Scouts meeting followed by a 3:00 soccer game. So she put on her soccer uniform and topped it with her Daisy Scouts t-shirt, which she could then easily remove when it was time to take the field (she wasn't alone -- at least half the Daisies play soccer and were similarly double-uniformed). We darted out of the Daisy meeting at 2:50 with a Coke bottle aquarium containing two goldfish and three snails {our first {five} pets!}, which rested precariously on the console in my van as we drove to the soccer game, where we proceeded to simultaneously freeze and get covered in mud. We'll miss these days when they're over!

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