Thursday, August 4, 2011

The artiste at work

I think it's been 2 or 3 weeks since I've taken out my camera to take pictures of the kids. Thankfully, I almost always have my phone with me, so I haven't missed ALL of the action. Caroline went to an art birthday party at a local paint-it-yourself place last Saturday. This was some serious art (complete with non-washable paint) for 3 and 4 year olds! You can see her concentration here:

The 16x20 canvases were pretty big; the kids had to stand up to reach the top:

Most 3 year olds don't have the endurance to cover a 16x20 canvas with paint, so the parents helped the kids out a bit on this one. The teacher then put the finishing touches. and Caroline was very proud of her masterpiece! It's hanging on the wall right outside her room right now:

Jacob did not believe that Caroline/Caroline & I did this painting. Seriously, the black "outlines" that the teacher did really kicked that baby up a notch. If you'll look closely, you'll see that the black outlines actually bear no relationship to the pink edges of the cross or the yellow/blue edges of the polka dots that Caroline and I painted, which really helps give it some "shape." So it was a collaborative effort, but lots of fun all around.

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